Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Not everybody does it, but everybody should

PS don't forget LKB's mini-assignment for thanktofugiving...
How does your cowboy celebrate thanksgiving? If he is like Steve, he usually goes to Rochester and gets a tofurky and tries to pack lots of food and friends into a short time. Does he gather and make friends with Native Americans? Does he sit at the kids table? Show us!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

I choose you.

Cowboy have been chosen to create our next mission. God speed and good luck.


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween Cowboys!

A memento mori for the occasion (in the form of a phenakistoscope!)...

Monday, October 22, 2007

Assignment # 9- All Hallows Masquerade

Cowboy +1

You are invited to celebrate an evening of trickery, self-indulgence, and things of a spooky nature. Points for most creative costume, best date, and creepiest/most-interesting locale. So, caper on a crypt, prance in perdition, or lap-dance at a library. Show your style with your ghoulish regalia and the companion of your choice.


*archive photo from 2000 of Marlboro Man as Boris Badenov and his date the Grim Reaper as Natasha Fatale

Friday, October 12, 2007

From Wood to Wood

Deadwood Dick passes the tin star to pal Woody in the east. Nyssa has been busy shooting weddings and building her darkroom so we haven't seen Woody in awhile. Looking forward to our new assignment! -JL & MM

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Assignment # 8 - Happy Trails to Summer

How do cowboy's say goodbye to summer? Deadwood likes to take in the most summer activity of them all ... a baseball game. This assignment is pretty open ended. It can be an event, a picnic, or a simple day trip. The point Deadwood would like to make is get out and say goodbye to summer!Perhaps there isn't enough time for a real goodbye to summer. If you prefer to say hello to fall then we would like to see that too. - DD

See the results here.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Deadwood Dick tagged for Assignment #8

Cowboy "Juke Joint" Johnny and his recently engaged gal pal have tagged Deadwood Dick and his trusty companion to come up with assignment #8. DD has certainly been quite the active contributor with his quests for urban graffiti. We enjoy his images and admire his tenacity....what will he come up with next?

Kowboy Klaus, I hope you don't mind me borrowing the sheriff badge from your tagging. I hope I did you proud! - LKB & CS

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Once Upon a Time in the West

Yes, I am shamelessly advertising the Dryden Theatre with this post. "Once Upon a Time in the West" is screening this Sunday, July 15 at 7pm at the Dryden Theatre at 900 East Avenue, Rochester, NY. See it if you can! It is part of the Ennio Morricone series- lots of excellent films coming up.

And if you are not lucky enough to live near the Dryden and have never seen this film go borrow or rent a copy and watch it.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

mystery photos!

Just now I was looking back over our cowboy photos when I recognized a bit of a Picasso poster (Head of Francois) that we have in our home. The mystery photos are 2 misplaced pictures from the children's art camp I just finished. Sorry! Somehow the pics got posted to the wrong site! What a funny surprise. T Libby

Assignment #7 - Movin' On Over

Since Cowboy "Juke Joint" Johnny has just arrived in Nashville, the new assignment is called "The Cowboy Finally Makes His Move".

This can be anything - something that your cowboy has been putting off or maybe something that he has wanted to do or see for a really long time, etc. It's time for the cowboys to put those fears aside and make a move!

Can't wait to see what moves your Cowboy can make..

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Assignment 6: Cowboy Love

Summer is almost here and Cowboy Bob Perkins is feeling frisky and friendly. What about the rest of you???

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Cowboy of the Week #6

I haven't done COTW since March, but in light of my upcoming trip to New York I decided to post this one. Check out that great blue shirt in the second image. Anyway, you know the drill, name the actors, characters, and the film. Next time I'll try to find a more challenging COTW.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Cowboy Bob Perkins deputized to lead assignment six posse

Kowboy Klaus passes the torch of assignment to Cowboy Bob Perkins. Kowboy Klaus speaks for all when he says how much he's admired Cowboy Bob Perkins' work and how much he's looking forward to assignment six.

Monday, May 14, 2007

A Tale of Two Fish

Marlboro Man checks out the new aquarium.

On Saturday a few of us rode our bikes to the Lilac Festival in Highland Park. We locked the bikes up to the fence by the reservoir and walked around the park. I left my helmet in my trunk (metal milk crate) because it's old and crappy and I don't care if it gets stolen. When we got back to the bikes I found a surprise in my helmet- the two fish pictured above! Someone must have won them and not wanted them. Jude saw it as an act of meaness while I saw it as a sweet surprise. Normally people just throw garbage in my basket- if it had been two dead halibut I would have been pissed. The fish in their plastic bags fit snuggly in my helmet (I forgot I could have used B's mobile phone to take a picture of them) so there they stayed for the ride home. I wonder how many fish have ever gone on a bike ride. Of course I sadly imagine their imminent death as they are carnival fish who had an extra traumatic experience. I had to relocate them from their nice perch on the red bookshelf because evil Irma had her cat's eye on them and I found evidence that she had tried to climb the shelf. I decided to call them Helmut and Yo-Yo due to the circumstances of their arrival and as a nod to Jim Jarmusch (from his film "Night on Earth"). I just hope they enjoyed the bike ride. -JL

Sunday, May 13, 2007


In response to the latest assignment (#5) I have cheated once again by mining existing material. I shot this short sequence a few years ago in hopes of making a film about the Happy House. It is an historical reenactment of the arrival of Marlboro Man into the lives of Vadra and Mauraway. And like all such reenactments it is fraught with inaccuracies. Therefore I am posting pictures of the real Happy House one of which features the real black mailbox in which Marlboro Man was found. The Happy House has gone the way of the Slime (the house that they tore down next door when we lived there) to make room for more UM parking. In the demolition photo the wall of my former bedroom on the second floor is visible and the door to the bathroom. Fascinating only to the former denizens I imagine but this is a blog and I can ramble with the best of them. Did the mailbox go down with the house? As for the roots of MM- that could be a book unto itself- for now I will just say that he comes from Khaos.

*for more information on the arrival of MM see the "Once Upon a Time in the Midwest" post.

Sorry about the quality- having to compress it didn't help matters.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Assignment five: Roots

Kowboy Klaus asks, are coyboys born or made? As adoptees, the cowfolk of the collaborative are always wondering about where they came from and how.

For assignment five, in honor of mothers' day, submit images of your cowbeing's ancestry, origins, birth, history, family, mythology, rebirth, immigration, and/or induction into the brothersisterhood of cowpersons. What went before that helped make them the cowpokes they are today?

Post your images by Mothers Day, unless you work at the PRC, in which case you get an extension 'till May 15, midnight cowboy standard time.

Tag! You're it!

How about it's time for a new assignment? I choose Kowboy Klaus and his person for the task.
-Calamity James

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Hot Rod Little People

I discovered this person on ebay who alters and sells FP Little People. Check out Batman and Robin.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Hot Shots at VSW

Saturday night was the opening reception for two MFA thesis exhibitions at the Visual Studies Workshop Gallery. VSW graduate students Kirby Pilcher (pictured above with his cowboy entourage) and James Rajotte have some damn fine work on display. Both are recent recipients of the Jen Beckman "Hey, Hot Shot!" award. Pilcher's Room Temperature, and Rajotte's blasted will be on display through April 27.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Assignment #4

Hi to all from Jesse and Calamity James! Your assignment for the next fortnight is to create a comic panel, strip, or series starring your cowfolk. Manipulated photos, drawings, or other randomness is requisite. Also, have fun.

Tag! Jesse's it!

I hereby tag Jesse and Calamity James for the next assignment...

(and my apologies for my delinquency...)

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Expect the Unexpected

I am reading an excellent book called "Cruddy" by Lynda Barry. It doesn't have anything to do with cowboys but I wanted to share a quote from it anyway.

"Expect the Unexpected.
And whenever possible,
BE the the Unexpected."

I guess the quote is applicable to the Western genre. Makes me think of the scene on the train in ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST with the cowboy boot.

Assignment #4 postponed

As we have passed the March 15 deadline for the next assignment (SPE threw a monkey wrench in the works) we will try for an April 1st assignment. Preferably give the tagee a few days notice to come up with an idea if needed. And as a reminder- it's never too late to post to an old assignment that you didn't have time to do during the designated time period.
Heather- tag away.

Cowboy of the week #4/5

Since I forgot to post a cowboy last week here is a two-for-one this week. I love this actress and this movie. Who says girls can't be cowboys. Name the actors and the film.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Cowboy of the week #3

I have Mo to thank for introducing me to this genius years ago.

p.s. He made his own hats.
p.p.s. In case there is any confusion, I did not actually meet Buster Keaton. He left before I arrived.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Hello my name is...

Leslie had a great suggestion. Since many of the keepers are strangers to one another she thought we should have a cowboy/keeper of the week. Each week on the blog we will have a different keeper and cowboy introduce themselves. While a picture of both parties (keeper and their cowboy pal) is encouraged it is not required. Any suggestions on the text format? A short bio of each? Or a standard set of questions? Or both? Once we are set with a format we can play tag like we do with the assignments. I think Leslie should go first as it was her idea.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

New Cowboy Assignment (#3)

First, let me take a moment to thank everyone, including Nina and Irma, at the ranch for my happy birthday wishes! Y'all certainly know how to make a girl feel special!

Now, for the second item on the agenda - the next assignment:

After learning the freckled kid, faithful frank and I were charged with this honor, we had many long discussions and several consultations with fergus and frannie (faithful frank wanted their input.) We have decided that it would be quite the inspired challenge to recreate cowboy memories, dreams, and/or fantasies.

So, for some inspiration, may we recommend some popcorn, the beverage of your choice and "The Science of Sleep"? Although not a cowboy movie per se, there is a horse...

Sweet dreams, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite...

Cowboy of the Week #2

I selected this week's cowboy based on his connection to last week's. What is the name of this cowboy and who is the actor?

Party Out of Bounds

Here is my first attempt to post a movie. We now have a YouTube account for the Cowboy Collaborative in addition to this blog and our Flickr account.

Happy Birthday Heather!

Wishing you a birthday full of "inexplicable joys" and "unplanned jubilations"!
-Marlboro Man, Jenn, and the cowboys (and kitties) at the ranch (more images to be posted to Flickr this evening and hopefully a movie, too)

In honor of Heather's birthday I thought I'd share Rob Brezsny's Mirabilia report from this week's email from (and his book "PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings" available at

(Mirabilia n. events that inspire wonder, marvelous phenomena, small
miracles, beguiling ephemera, inexplicable joys, changes that inspire quiet
awe, eccentric enchantments, unplanned jubilations, sudden deliverance
from boring evils; from the Latin mirabilia, "marvels.")

* The National Center for Atmospheric Research reports that the average
cloud is the same weight as 100 elephants.

* The seeds of some trees are so tightly compacted within their
protective covering that only the intense heat of a forest fire can free
them, allowing them to sprout.

* Thirty-eight percent of North America is wilderness.

* Anthropologists say that in every culture in history, children have played
the game hide and seek.

* With every dawn, when first light penetrates the sea, many seahorse
colonies perform a dance to the sun.

* A seven-year-old Minnesota boy received patent number 6,368,227 for
a new method of swinging on a swing.

* As it thrusts itself into our Milky Way Galaxy, the dwarf galaxy
Sagittarius is unraveling, releasing a thick stream of dark matter that is
flowing right through the Earth.

* A chemist in Australia finally succeeded in mixing oil and water.

* Except among birds and land mammals, the females of most species are
bigger than the males.

* The South African version of TV's Sesame Street has an AIDS-positive
Muppet named Kami.

* The sky not only isn't falling—it's rising. The top of the troposphere, the
atmosphere's lowest layer, is slowly ascending.

* To make a pound of honey, bees have to gather nectar from about two
million flowers. To produce a single pound of the spice saffron, humans
have to handpick and process 80,000 flowers. In delivering the single
survivor necessary to fertilize an ovum, a man releases 500 million sperm.

* Some Christians really do love their enemies, as Jesus recommended.

* Kind people are more likely than mean people to yawn when someone
near them does.

* There are always so many fragments of spider legs floating in the air
that you are constantly inhaling them wherever you go.

* "The average river requires a million years to move a grain of sand 100
miles," says science writer James Trefil.

* Because half of the world's vanilla crop is grown in Madagascar, the
whole island smells like vanilla ice cream.

* Your body contains so much iron that you could make a spike out of it,
and that spike would be strong enough to hold you up.

* In his book *The Physics of Immortality: Modern Cosmology, God and
the Resurrection of the Dead,* physicist Frank J. Tipler offers what he
says is scientific proof that every human being who has ever lived will be
resurrected from the dead at the end of time.

* In the Ukraine you can buy Fat in Chocolate, a food with a layer of dark
chocolate covering a chunk of pork fat.

* Robust singing skill is correlated with a strong immune system in
songbirds. Male birds with the most extensive repertoire of tunes also
have the largest spleens, a key measure of immune system health.

* Bali has 80,000 temples.

* Romanian physicists created gaseous globes of plasma that grew,
reproduced, and communicated with each other, thereby fulfilling the
definition for life.

* In an apparent attempt to raise their volume above the prevailing human
din, some nightingales in big cities have learned to unleash 95-decibel
songs, matching the loudness of a chainsaw.

* There is a statistically significant probability of world-class athletes and
military leaders being born when Mars is rising in the sky.

* Some piranhas are vegetarians.

* In the pueblos of New Mexico, bricks still measure 33 by 15 by 10
centimeters, proportions that almost exactly match those of the bricks
used to build Egypt's Temple of Hatshepsut 3,500 years ago.

* Childbirth is often joyful even though it's painful.

* In hopes of calming flustered lawbreakers, Japanese cops have
substituted the sound of church bells for sirens on police cars.

* Scientists believe they'll be able to figure out why cancer cells are
virtually immortal, and then apply the secret to keeping normal cells alive
much longer, thereby dramatically expanding the human life span.

* Clown fish can alter their gender as their social status rises.

* When she is born, a baby girl has all the ova she will ever have.

* Bluebirds cannot see the color blue.

* Gregorian chants can cure dyslexia.

* Bob Hope donated half a million jokes to the Library of Congress.

* Bees perform a valuable service for the flowers from which they steal.

* "Leafing through Forbes or Fortune [magazine]s is like reading the
operating manual of a strangely sanctimonious pirate ship," wrote Adam
Gopnik in *The New Yorker.*

* Revlon makes 177 different shades of lipstick.

* Your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body.

* The most frequently shoplifted book in America is the Bible.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

New pics from Assignment #2

Cowboy Steve, Leslie, and Bruce had a super time in the Berkshires. It was great to go to the mountains, attend a conference, and see lots of contemporary art. It was truly an eye-opening experience for Steve, as you can see below - these upside down trees greeted him at the entrance to MassMoca. Check out the new pics for Assignment #2 by visiting the CC Flickr page before it changes (or go to the assignment #2 set later).

Remember, there are only a few days left to "take your cowboy on an adventure"!

To create the next assignment, I tag HEATHER and the frecked kid. - lkb

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Cowboy of the Week #1

Name that cowboy.

Any relation to Carl?

I also want to welcome Cowboy Bob Perkins and his new pardner, Teresa, in Kentucky. He's already been to Florida and the ocean!

Your destiny lies before you. Choose wisely.

Good news- another cowboy adoption is underway. Erin would like to adopt the orange one and she has already named him. So everyone meet Cowboy Bodhisattva (he is standing next to Marlboro Man) and Erin (not pictured). Maybe he will lead us to enlightenment. Or to Atlantic City. Or the other Mystery Spot. It's anyone's guess. There are currently three orphans on the ranch (see photo). While they have a good life here they would be happier to have adventures outside of the ranch. And names rather than numbers. So if you know of someone who would like a pocket-sized traveling companion let me know. -vadra

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any unfortunate events that may occur after the adoption (see previous post-scroll down).


Who knew our little people were such a vicious bunch.
I'd say this is slander.
I had to order it. -jcl

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Assignment #2

February 2007 (2nd half)
"Take your Cowboy on a trip or have an adventure"

I have been tagged...

In honor of Emily and Cowboy Sue's trip to Scotland (they left Tuesday), I proclaim the next assignment to be the above. As many already have had mini-adventures inside and in their neighborhood (both of these would be good future assignments), I suggest that you take your cowboy out of his element, to a place you haven't been before or visited in a long time. This will be a great time to explore the next town or simply a new place. I will be going on a trip within the next 2 weeks to go to a symposium at MassMoca in Western Massachusetts, so will likely use this as a chance for Cowboy Steve to broaden his horizons in the Berkshires. I'll make a new set soon on Flickr, to which you can post (don't forget to cross post to your personal Cowboy set too) and use those tags. The more we use of the latter the more hits we get. Yee haw! Now get thee to having fun! - lkb

PS - we got one request on Flickr Marnie for you to cross post your image of the tiny black cab and the Sheriff to the London Black Cabs pool. You should! and also comment back. No kidding, here it is: "Nice pic - would you mind adding it (and any others like it) to the London Black Cabs Pool when you get a chance? Cheers! :)" Wow, he lives in Essex, England. We're getting global views!

Image from

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Welcome Marnie!

Marnie adopted the sheriff last night and she already posted some great stuff on Flickr. It seems the sheriff was under the impression that he was moving a little further south than the Wedge.

Here we see the sheriff looking out the window at our lovely snow. Photo by Marnie- see more at

The Holiday We Love to Hate

Let's reclaim St. Valentine's Day from the corporate entities that have bastardized it. In "the pagan book of days" by Nigel Pennick he states that, "In Scandinavia there is a tradition of running labyrinths on this day." He does not go into further detail. Maybe there aren't any conveniently located labyrinths to run around in but we can still take inspiration from it even if we don't live in Scandinavia. If you are lucky enough to have snow then go make a snow labyrinth- or at least a snow cowboy. Or go sledding or skiing or just run around in the snow. Snow is good- don't let people convince you otherwise. If you don't want to play in the snow go see PAN'S LABYRINTH, or watch THE SHINING. Or LABYRINTH (I nearly forgot the obvious). Build your own labyrinth in your house using pillows, blankets, books, Little People or whatever you have lying around and then try to get your pets, children, roommates, etc... to find some nice treasure you've hidden within it. Or invest some time exploring the labyrinth that is your brain. And don't forget to include your cowboy pals in the celebration.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


What is the correct word for a "group" of cowboys? A gaggle of cowboys, a murder of cowboys, a flock of cowboys? Well, as we have a large coalition of cowboys it would seem appropriate for the Cowboy Collaborative to have a brand or symbol. Like the Double R, the Circle K, and such. But this is a cruelty-free collaborative and there will be no branding of cowboys. Otherwise we will take them back- so play nice. Using some fonts in Photoshop I came up with a few but I welcome others to submit ideas too. Somethin' simple and ranchy (not raunchy)- you know, like a brand.

Passing the buck to Cowboy Steve

The collaborative continues to grow as we find homes for more orphaned cowboys (FP cowboys and other Little People donations are gladly accepted at the ranch). Our next assignment will be coming up on the 15th- as no opinions as to frequency have been expressed I will go with two assignments per month for now- to be posted on the 1st (rabbit, rabbit, rabbit!) and the 15th. I tag Cowboy Steve to be the next assigner.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Assignment #1

February 2007
"Bring your cowboy to work"

While this is a photo based project I don't want to limit it to photography. I would like to encourage people to explore other options if they want to. So bring your cowboy to work- take some photos, draw a picture, make a movie, write a story, sing a song- whatever you like- then post it (we will need to look at additional posting options if we want to include music and moving images). I'm not sure how we should organize our images but I don't think I want to set a time limit on assignments. And how often should we post a new assignment? How about once a month? And we can take turns creating assignments. Any suggestions?


What is the Cowboy Collaborative?

While three of us have been photographing Marlboro Man, Marlboro Hombre, and Cowboy Steve for many years the Cowboy Collaborative is a new venture that takes advantage of the web (blogs, Flickr, ebay, etc). We are in the early stages so bear with us as we figure out the best method of posting the numerous cowboy adventures and photos. We will have assignments that cowboy keepers may participate in if they so desire. Or they can just photograph and post when they feel so inclined.

The Cowboy Collaborative is:

Fisher Price

(see "Once Upon a Time in the Midwest" post for cowboy history)


Friday, February 2, 2007

Once Upon a Time in the Midwest

Once upon a time, long ago, in a town called Ann Arbor, two friends lived together in the Happy House. They sometimes received mysterious things in their mailbox that did not travel through the post. One of these things was a cowboy. He was a welcome addition to the family. Due to his uncanny resemblance to a certain billboard they called him Marlboro Man. He eschewed the costly and detrimental habit of his namesake. (Despite his name he has never been an advocate or shill for any large corporation or product.)

Marlboro Man was a good traveling companion and often went on trips with them. A good-natured and photogenic chap, he enjoyed being photographed and never complained about anything. There came a time when Vadra moved away from Ann Arbor. Joint custody of Marlboro Man was agreed upon and so he spent part of the year with Mauraway and part of it with Vadra and continued to travel with each of them.

Vadra started using Marlboro Man in her art. She even found him a stunt double but he turned out to be too tall for the job. He was one of those Texas cowboys by the looks of his hat. It didn't take her long to find him a more suitable home with her friend Leslie. Leslie had lived in Texas for a spell so she could relate to him. Leslie named her new pal Cowboy Steve after a well-known actor and comedian.

Meanwhile, Marlboro Man spent less and less time with Mauraway and this made Vadra feel guilty. One day she came across a cowboy who was the spittin' image of Marlboro Man. This one also arrived in her mailbox, but this time via the post. Upon his arrival they realized that he was Marlboro Man's long lost brother. The new cowboy was a nattier dresser and tanner than Marlboro Man. He was from New Mexico while Marlboro Man's roots were in Wyoming. They decided to call him Marlboro Hombre due to the familial connection and striking resemblance to Marlboro Man, in additon to the many years he spent living in a border town. He went to live with Mauraway and the brothers now enjoy visiting one another several times a year.

One day in the very recent past, Mauraway alerted Vadra to a large group of orphaned Little People (for that is what they call themselves), including another cowboy who looked like MM and MH. Vadra adopted them and decided to find homes for the other cowboys. Thus was born the Cowboy Collaborative.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Giddy up!

The gang is almost all here! We'll be all together, saddled up, and ready to go soon, so check back for some amazing adventures. Head Honcho, we await our first assignment!