I haven't done COTW since March, but in light of my upcoming trip to New York I decided to post this one. Check out that great blue shirt in the second image. Anyway, you know the drill, name the actors, characters, and the film. Next time I'll try to find a more challenging COTW.
Kowboy Klaus passes the torch of assignment to Cowboy Bob Perkins. Kowboy Klaus speaks for all when he says how much he's admired Cowboy Bob Perkins' work and how much he's looking forward to assignment six.
On Saturday a few of us rode our bikes to the Lilac Festival in Highland Park. We locked the bikes up to the fence by the reservoir and walked around the park. I left my helmet in my trunk (metal milk crate) because it's old and crappy and I don't care if it gets stolen. When we got back to the bikes I found a surprise in my helmet- the two fish pictured above! Someone must have won them and not wanted them. Jude saw it as an act of meaness while I saw it as a sweet surprise. Normally people just throw garbage in my basket- if it had been two dead halibut I would have been pissed. The fish in their plastic bags fit snuggly in my helmet (I forgot I could have used B's mobile phone to take a picture of them) so there they stayed for the ride home. I wonder how many fish have ever gone on a bike ride. Of course I sadly imagine their imminent death as they are carnival fish who had an extra traumatic experience. I had to relocate them from their nice perch on the red bookshelf because evil Irma had her cat's eye on them and I found evidence that she had tried to climb the shelf. I decided to call them Helmut and Yo-Yo due to the circumstances of their arrival and as a nod to Jim Jarmusch (from his film "Night on Earth"). I just hope they enjoyed the bike ride. -JL
In response to the latest assignment (#5) I have cheated once again by mining existing material. I shot this short sequence a few years ago in hopes of making a film about the Happy House. It is an historical reenactment of the arrival of Marlboro Man into the lives of Vadra and Mauraway. And like all such reenactments it is fraught with inaccuracies. Therefore I am posting pictures of the real Happy House one of which features the real black mailbox in which Marlboro Man was found. The Happy House has gone the way of the Slime (the house that they tore down next door when we lived there) to make room for more UM parking. In the demolition photo the wall of my former bedroom on the second floor is visible and the door to the bathroom. Fascinating only to the former denizens I imagine but this is a blog and I can ramble with the best of them. Did the mailbox go down with the house? As for the roots of MM- that could be a book unto itself- for now I will just say that he comes from Khaos.
*for more information on the arrival of MM see the "Once Upon a Time in the Midwest" post.
Sorry about the quality- having to compress it didn't help matters.