PS don't forget LKB's mini-assignment for thanktofugiving...
How does your cowboy celebrate thanksgiving? If he is like Steve, he usually goes to Rochester and gets a tofurky and tries to pack lots of food and friends into a short time. Does he gather and make friends with Native Americans? Does he sit at the kids table? Show us!
Nice! Did you use photoshop on the MM CC "logo"? It has inspired me to try something if I haven't packed it yet... -JL
Actually, I used this tool which created a multi-page PDF, which I then took into photoshop to crop and size. The original photo is Kowboy Klaus.
Aha, I thought you were LKB. I shoulda known better-it has you and Klaus written all over it :)
Turns out I did already pack the thing I wanted to use but I'll save it for a rainy (or snowy) day this winter. -JL
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