Sunday, February 4, 2007

Assignment #1

February 2007
"Bring your cowboy to work"

While this is a photo based project I don't want to limit it to photography. I would like to encourage people to explore other options if they want to. So bring your cowboy to work- take some photos, draw a picture, make a movie, write a story, sing a song- whatever you like- then post it (we will need to look at additional posting options if we want to include music and moving images). I'm not sure how we should organize our images but I don't think I want to set a time limit on assignments. And how often should we post a new assignment? How about once a month? And we can take turns creating assignments. Any suggestions?



LKB said...

Should we post to our cowboy's set and also create a new one for this assignment on Flickr? We could post to both. Thanks, Leslie and the Steve-ster

jenn said...

Yes, I was thinking the same thing. -jcl